Meet the person
behind the posts
Hello and welcome to my website Literature Umbilical. My name is Tricia McCarter and I created this space to be a resource for readers searching to expand their knowledge in Caribbean and African literature, and to get more people reading these books. My aim is to also be an ally for Caribbean and African authors in promoting their work.
I was born in Trinidad and Tobago and I currently live in the United States. During my secondary school years in Trinidad, I read books by Caribbean and African authors and that interest has continued throughout my adult life. A few years ago I began blogging about books on
Instagram and this really opened me up to so many contemporary authors whose work I’ve come to love and want to share with others. You can expect to find on this website book reviews, book resources, and author interviews.

Book Review Policy
I read books generally for entertainment, other times for learning. Therefore, when I review a book, I evaluate the story, character development, writing style, and the author’s effectiveness in successfully blending all of these factors. Understandably, not everyone will love or dislike the same books. As such my aim is provide an honest assessment of a books effect on me personally and state who I believe may or may not find the book interesting.
This website will focus on books that are predominantly written by authors of Caribbean and African descent. If you are an author or publisher interested in reaching out to me, please do so via the Contact page.
Thank you for taking the time to visit and use this space. I welcome feedback and thoughts and you can find me on Instagram, Twitter and in the comments section at the end of each review.
Peace, love, and books!